Links am Samstag

Investor chief questions role of Big Pharma in development of medicines - One of the biggest shareholders in AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical group, has questioned the long-term viability of the Big Pharma business model by asking whether it could discourage the development of new medicines.

In Denial - The latest cholesterol mess shows how big pharma just can't seem to face up to bad results.

Diskussion um ungleiche Wartezeiten hält an.

Beske: Medizin ohne jede Wartezeit - das ist eine Utopie.

New role for pharmacies - In Grossbritannien sollen Apotheker Impfungen und diagnostische Tests durchführen.

Britain is allowing some non-physician medical professionals to treat patients.

Und zum Wochenende: Al Jaffee's fold-ins for Mad magazine, from the 1960s to the present, in interactive form.
Autor: strappato   2008-04-05   Link   (0 Kommentare)  Ihr Kommentar  

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