Disease Mongering Engine

Reactive Stress-Related Aversion Dysfunction With Indigestion (RSADWI)

Hört sich gefährlich an. Nicht nur die Pharmaindustrie kann neue Krankheiten erfinden. Selber probieren: Mit der Disease Mongering Engine.
Autor: strappato   2007-05-21   Link   (1 KommentarIhr Kommentar  

hockeystick   2007-05-22  
Found the disease you like? Take these steps to get filthy rich!

1. Patent a dangerous chemical as a "treatment" for MESD.
2. Invent fictitious trial results that prove the drug is effective in treating MESD.
3. Bribe FDA officials into approving the drug as safe for everyone! (Even if it kills people.)
4. Submit to the American Psychiatric Association for inclusion in their DSM-IV (the standard reference guide of psychiatric disorders).
5. Create an emotional TV ad that shows unhappy, confused people being transformed into perfect beings after they take your drug.
6. Issue press releases to mainstream media outlets who will run your propaganda as news with zero skepticism.
7. Bribe doctors with vacations, extravagant meals and "consulting fees" in order to get them to prescribe your drug to as many patients as possible.
8. Buy off politicians and legislators to block alternative medicine and enforce a pharmaceutical monopoly.
9. Sit back and rake in the dough** while Americans go broke buying your drug to treat MESD!
10. When the lawsuits roll in from the families of dead patients, simply use a small portion of your windfall profits to settle out of court, admitting no guilt.

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