Authors of Report Recommending EU-wide HPV Vaccination Hide Conflicts of Interest

At least 3 out of 6 authors of the recent pdf-Dateireport by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), including the panel chair, appear to have failed to declare potential conflicts of interest.

The purpose of the report is to "lay down the scientific basis for the potential introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines in order to help European Union (EU) Member States to make policy choices". Clearly, independence of the panel is an important issue. The report states:
This guidance has been developed by a Scientific Panel of experts set up and coordinated by the Scientific Advice Unit of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). One of the main tasks of this unit is to provide independent scientific opinions, expert advice, data, and information. No conflicts of interest were declared by any of the Panel members.

1. Patricia Claeys, Panel Chair

Patricia Claeys declared that she indeed had conflicts of interest in a pdf-DateiBelgian report dated October 17, 2007, on the same issue:
Conflicts of interest: The following external experts and validators declared that they either received research funds from, or conducted consultancy services for, or received grants and/or travel assistance for attending conferences from companies that might gain or lose financially from the results of this HTA: Lieven Annemans, Patricia Claeys, Patrick Goubau, Pierre Van Damme, Maarten Postma.

We have not received a reply to our e-mail asking Ms. Claeys for a comment on this inconsistency.

2. Paolo Bonanni

Paolo Bonanni is listed as a supporter of the "Coalition Against Cervical Cancer" (CACC). The CACC was launched at the 'First Global Summit on Cervical Cancer', an event held in Paris and heavily funded by Sanofi Pasteur MSD, the company which markets Gardasil in Europe on behalf of Merck, Inc. A newspaper report on the Summit states:
Celebrities, doctors and journalists were shipped in from across Europe and the United States by PR agencies working for Sanofi. The summit, which resembled a political rally, called for country-wide vaccination programmes.

3. Adam Finn

Adam Finn has served both as a speaker and as a chairperson on industry symposia sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur MSD (which was named Aventis Pasteur MSD until 2004).



Furthermore, Adam Finn has conducted a number of vaccine trials which were financed by drug companies.


Medical journals have recently announced that they would ban authors from publishing who deliberately fail to disclose any conflicts of interests. We consider full disclosure even more important in an official EU report that is likely to affect the health of millions of people and to have a significant impact on a multi-billion Euro market.
Autor: hockeystick   2008-01-26   Link   (2 KommentareIhr Kommentar  

mager   2008-01-28  
"Geld beeinflusst mein Urteil nicht"
In der SZ:
Der neue Vorsitzende der Ständigen Impfkommission, Friedrich Hofmann, zur Unabhängigkeit seines
..."SZ: Zur Rettung des Rufs der Stiko gäbe es einen einfachen Vorschlag: kein Euro von einem Impfstoffhersteller auf
das Konto eines Stiko-Mitglieds.
Hofmann: Die Regeln stellt das Bundesgesundheitsministerium auf, das auch die Mitglieder der Stiko beruft. Es will
künftig manche Dinge ändern. Zum Beispiel gehen die Protokolle unserer Sitzungen jetzt an die Öffentlichkeit. Ich
finde das eher nicht gut. Man irrt sich ja auch mal in einer Debatte. Nun muss man jeden Halbsatz auf die
Goldwaage legen."...

Transparenz ist wirklich nicht gut... ja,ja, wir wissen ja wozu das führt.

hockeystick   2008-01-28  
Hier gibt es das SZ-Interview mit Friedrich Hofmann online, hier den Artikel dazu ("Ständige Impfkommission - Experten mit den falschen Freunden")

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