Zukunft des Pharmamanagements

Welche Folgen hat die Restrukurierung in der Pharmaindustrie, mit dem Ende des Blockbuster-Modells, des wachsenden Kostendrucks in den Gesundheitssystemen, dem Wettbewerb mit Indien oder China und anderen Entwicklungen für die berufliche Karriere? Mit dieser Frage hat sich RegentAtlantic Capital, eine Vermögensmanagement-Gesellschaft, beschäftigt und eine Analyse vorgelegt.

Der Report mit dem Titel: pdf-DateiThe Continuing Evolution of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Career Challenges and Opportunities lässt für die heutige Generation im mittleren Management nichts Gutes erahnen.
This trend should continue for the foreseeable future because these companies must find ways to lower their operating costs to offset their coming drop in revenues. No one can precisely predict how many additional people will be displaced. However, two CEOs interviewed believe that “an entire generation” of upper-middle and senior-level executives (as many as 50,000 individuals) will be displaced.

Die Autoren des Berichts meinen, dass eher Spezialisten gefordert sind.
The days of being able to function as a partial expert who can also manage some aspects of the research and development or marketing processes are numbered.

Und was braucht ein Pharmamanager in Zukunft?
Seven Skill Sets with Great Future Value
  1. Ability to Manage Decentralized Intellectual Capital Resources
  2. Ability to Work in Joint Ventures and Across Divisions, Cultures and Countries
  3. Ability to Integrate an Understanding of Intellectual Property Laws, Scientific Expertise and Business Strategy
  4. Ability to Spur Creativity While Managing Commercially
  5. Knowledge and Insight on the Decision-Making Dynamics of Payers
  6. Expertise in the Functioning and Decision-Making of Regulatory Agencies
  7. Human Resource Skills to Help Transform Pharmaceutical Companies

Steht da was von Marketing?
Autor: strappato   2008-01-30   Link   (0 Kommentare)  Ihr Kommentar  

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