"Destroy them where they live"

Über den Umgang der Pharmaindustrie mit kritischen Medizinern:
Staff at US company Merck &Co emailed each other about the list of doctors - mainly researchers and academics - who had been negative about the drug Vioxx or Merck and a recommended course of action.

The email, which came out in the Federal Court in Melbourne yesterday as part of a class action against the drug company, included the words "neutralise", "neutralised" or "discredit" against some of the doctors' names.

It is also alleged the company used intimidation tactics against critical researchers, including dropping hints it would stop funding to institutions and claims it interfered with academic appointments.

"We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," a Merck employee wrote, according to an email excerpt read to the court by Julian Burnside QC, acting for the plaintiff.

Autor: hockeystick   2009-04-01   Link   (2 KommentareIhr Kommentar  

kandreas   2009-04-02  
Die Songauswahl in der Stationären Aufnahme ist ja exzellent! Bitte mehr davon ;o)

hockeystick   2009-04-02  
Danke. Ich dachte mir, nach so einer Meldung kann etwas etwas Heiteres und Besinnliches nicht schaden.

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